Installing "East Asian Language" on English version of Windows 9X / XP.

This site will explain how to install Japanese, Korean or Chinese on Windows 98, Me and XP. Windows 2000 user can follow Windows XP direction.

These installation method are not limited to English Windows. You can apply them to other version, too. Such as German, French, Spanish or any other languages version of Windows.

Menu selection

(1) For Windows 98/Me. "Global IME 5.02"

(2) For Windows 98/Me with Office XP installed. "Global IME for Office XP"

(3) For Windows XP (Home and Pro)

(4) LINK

(Note) If you couldn't see graphics on this page, please "Refresh" page, again...

(1) For Windows 98/Me. "Global IME 5.02"

    In order to read / write East Asian Language on English Windows 98/Me, You need 3rd party software, or You need to install East Asian Language version of Windows.

    However, If you would like to see web site or send / write e-mail, You can download "Global IME" from Microsoft web site. It will enable to read / write East Asian language on Internet Explorer and Outlook express. "Global IME" works only for these 2 programs (Mainly for surfing web and e-mail). If you need more functionality, I am afraid that you have to purchase your native language version of Windows or install 3rd party software. (See LINK)

DO NOT install "Global IME" on Windows XP. (For Windows XP go here)

    [a] Go to this web site.

    [b] download that you need. For instance, If you wish Japanese, download "Global IME 5.02 for Japanese with Language Pack". File name is "JAMONDO.EXE" and size of file is over 5mb. Make sure that you download a file  "with Language Pack". You can also download Korean and Chinese as well. Korean and Chinese version of IME are smaller file size than Japanese version.

    [c] Locate downloaded file, click on it for installation. Installation will be done automatically. Then re-boot PC.

    [d] When you re-start PC. and when you open Internet Explorer or Outlook Express, you will see [EN] letter in task bar. If you see it, you have installed Global IME correctly. (See picture below)

        When you select [JA] for Japanese, you will see Japanese IME and some selection. (See picture below)

    [e] Go to Internet Option -> Click on [Languages..] button. (This picture is from Internet Explorer 6.0)


    [f] Click on [Add...] and select your language. I selected Japanese and Korean in this picture.

(Note 1) When you add Language, make sure that English is very top of list. Don't move up or down. If you change this order, You will get non-English Windows Update site from Microsoft. Remember, you are still using English version of Windows.

    [g] Now you are ready. When you click on [EN] at task bar, it will give you choice of language you wish to use. Now remember, Global IME will work conjunction with Internet Explorer or Outlook Express. It will not work on other software such as Microsoft word or Notepad.

(Note 2) In case you could not see your native language web site correctly, You need to choose correct "Encoding". Go to [View] Menu and select [Encoding], and select correct language you wish to see. (This menu is on Internet Explorer 6.0)

(Note 3) You can download all 3 languages and install them all. No problem.

(2) For Windows 98/Me with Office XP installed. "Global IME for Office XP"

    If you have Office XP installed on your Windows 98/Me OS. You have to download "Global IME for Office XP." Don't confuse with Windows XP. This is for Office XP with Windows 98/Me combination.

DO NOT install "Global IME for Office XP" on Windows XP. (For Windows XP go here)

    [a] Go to this web site. and select your language.

    [b] There is instruction for how to install. Please read carefully and download file. This file is much bigger than regular Global IME. For instance, Japanese file is over 50mb. It will takes long long time to download. So, be patient.

    [c] Locate downloaded file, click on it for installation and follow instruction. Then Re-boot PC.

    [d] Don't ask me how to use it....(^_^;)   It should be close to what I explained above. Nice thing about this IME is that you can read / write East Asian language with Office XP suite as well as Internet Explorer and Outlook Express.

    [e] Again, you need to set up Internet option. See above (1-e,1-f).

(Note) For more information go to this site.

(3) For Windows XP (Home and Pro)

    Windows XP has very nice set of IME on Windows XP CD. It will require over 250mb of your hard disk space and need little more CPU horse power to run it. But this will enable you to read / write on virtually any software not limited to Internet Explorer or Outlook Express. You can write Japanese on Notepad and Korean on Microsoft Word. You can even use East Asian character for file names and file folders.

(Note 1) If you have downloaded & installed "Global IME" from Microsoft web site, please uninstall it. You don't need it on Windows XP.

                (Info) It is possible to install "Global IME" on Windows XP / 2000. But I don't recommend it.


(Note 2) Whether you have Office XP or not, you must install your language in this method for Windows XP. Windows XP will not work with Global IME.

(Note 3) This is one way installation. Once you install them, you can't uninstall them. If you know how to uninstall, let me know. (^_^)


    [a] Go to Control Panel -> Regional and Language option. (If Classic View, you may not see this. Just select Regional and Language option.)

    [b] Select Add other languages. (Classic view doesn't display this.)

    [c] Select [Languages] tab, Check on "Install files for East Asian languages". Windows XP will ask you for CD. Follow instruction. It will requires over 250mb of hard disk space. (For Windows XP pre-loaded PC, just click "OK" to continue. or search for \i386 folder in your hard disk.)

    [d] Re-boot PC.

    [e] Go to same option -> [Languages] tab -> click [Details..] button (See above). Then you will see this.

    [f] Click [Add..] button and select your language. Then re-boot PC. In my case, I added Japanese and Korean.

    [g] Next time PC was started, you will see new Language bar on desktop. Usually you will see [EN] on language bar. When you click [EN], you will see choice of language. It may looks different. I have Japanese IME only on my Windows XP, therefore you see only Japanese Language bar. (see below next to task bar, 2nd one). Of course, you can add Japanese, Korean, Chinese all together no problem.

These pictures are sample of language bars.

    You can make language bar floating around on your desk top or integrate into taskbar.

(IMPORTANT) In order to input your languages, you must change input mode within language bar. When you select your language at first time, you may not be able to type your language. In that case, click icon "A" on language bar. It will switch input mode from English to your language. Only after that, you will be able to input your language. See above pictures for your reference.

    [h] Still you have to set Internet option to display your language (But may not necessary ). Go to Internet option -> [Languages] button -> [Add] button -> Add your language. (See above 1-e, 1-f)

    [ i ] That's it !!! Now you can read / write East Asian languages on your English Windows XP. This is not limited to Internet Explorer or Outlook Express. You can use them on Notepad, WordPad or any software (mostly...).

(Note 4) How to use this version of IME? There is help file. Please read them. It's too much to explain on this site.

(Note 5) If you installed Office XP before installing IME, You might want to use Microsoft Office Tools to install additional functionality of Office XP. Please read help file on Office XP for more details. It will give you more functions to help creating East Asian Languages documents.

(Note 6) For Outlook Express, you may see unreadable characters in "Subject" page. In that case, go to Options -> [Read] tab -> [Fonts] button, select your language and click on [Set as Default] button, then click [OK].

(Note 7) After installed IME, you may notice that XP takes longer to start up. That's because IME requires additional software. When I installed IME with 128mb RAM PC, It needed 30 to 40 second more time to start up Windows. Then I added 256mb RAM more. Result was stunning!!! Now my PC start up within 45 second. Before was 80 second. So, I recommend that you should have at least 256mb RAM in you PC. (128mb RAM is minimum.)


(3.1) How to display non-English software on your English Windows XP.

    Sometime, you wish to use non-English software on English Windows XP. For instance, I want to use Japanese written software. But when I install it, menus and dialog box doesn't display correctly. All I see is nonsense letters. How do I correct that? It is quite easy.

(Note 7) If your outlook Express doesn't display characters correctly in "Subject" lines, you need to turn this option on.

    [a] Go to Regional and language option -> [Advanced] tab. There is "Language for non-Unicode programs", select your language. In my case Japanese.  Then, re-boot PC.

    [b] That's it !!! next time you start PC. Windows XP should be able to display your non-English software correctly. But this option is not 100% solution. It may work fine on some software, but it may not work at all. If you need 100% compatibility, You must install your native language Windows. But still you have some solution for this kind of problem.

(Note 8) You can only select one language for each PC (not for each user). When you change language, you have to re-boot your PC. Please select one language that you use often.


(3.2) Some problem after setting "Language for non-Unicode  programs".

  When you set "Language for non-Unicode programs" option, you may notice odd behavior on some software that you have been using. In my case, I had one problem on English business software. This business software became so slow when I set " Language..." option to Japanese. I had no choice but choose original language on "Language..." option. It is "English (USA)"

But if I set "Language..." option to "English", I can't use "Japanese" software. I don't want to change option, restart PC each time using different language software.

So, is there any solution for this problem?

There is one software you could try. It is called "AppLocale" from Microsoft. Go to "AppLocale" page.

(4) LINK


    If you are stuck with English Windows 98 / Me, but want to add more functional East Asian languages on your OS, You need 3rd party software such as this...

    This software enables English Windows 98 or Me to read / write Japanese, Korean, Chinese. This software is not limited to Internet use. You can use WordPad to write your documents, read Asian fonts that you couldn't read on your English Windows.

    It will work with Windows 2000 and XP. But Windows 2000 / XP has its own language support as I described above. But if you don't like Windows one, then you can try this one instead.


    Another 3rd party software only for Japanese. This is very similar software from But this is exclusively for Japanese. I want to remind you that these software is not cheap.


    If you want to have word processor, spread sheet, presentation software, but you don't want to buy Microsoft Office. There is nice set of office tools available for FREE!!!   It's called "OpenOffice". More information, go to.

    They support many languages (I saw Japanese version). You can download it , use it for FREE !!!.  And you will surprise what you can do with this office suites.

I hope that this web site help you for installing East Asian Languages on your English Windows...

Good Luck !!!! (^_^)/

Written by Masaki Kuraoka , April 2005.